An Investigation into Dual-mode Lasing Response in planar multi-layer Plasmonic laser Systems
Final year undergraduate thesis.
My undergraduate research topic was plasmonic nanolasers. Nanoscale light sources are vital for various applications ranging from biosensing to photonic integrated circuits. Plasmonics is one of the best ways to get light confined into spaces not generally possible through conventional photonic techniques. Thus, lasers, which are coherent light sources, can be miniaturized with the help of plasmonics. In laser physics, generating two or more modes, has potential applications in various fields; particularly in interferometry. Besides, the physics involved in generating multiple modes in a laser is not straightforward, and requires novel design changes; especially when plasmonics is involved.
Our research focused on developing a new design principle for a special class of plasmonic lasers called Tamm Plasmon Lasers, which could generate more than one mode. At the time of our research, we were the first to show dual mode lasing response from such class of lasers. The design of the laser that we presented are shown in the images below:

The Thesis Book Preview
The introduction to my thesis is provided below: